Saturday, 6 December 2014

Top 3 Ways You Make Yourself Poor

1. Try to make yourself look rich to others. The best way to destroy tour wealth is to buy all of the luxury crap that you can, even if it means putting it on credit card. Some of the most wealth destroying things you can tell yourself are:

  • You earned it!
  • You deserve it!
  • So and so has one, why can't I?
2. Maximise your paycheque. As long are earning at least $25,000 per year, it is much more important to focus on how much your net worth is going up than how much your paycheque is going up. This is because your paycheque only focuses on one of your wealth factors. The wealth factors are, in order:

  • How large is the return on your investments
  • How well do you minimise your expenses, including taxes
  • How large is your paycheque
3. Give your investment money over to the friendly person at the bank to look after for you. Most people spend more time looking for deals at the supermarket than they spend looking for ways to maximise their investment returns. While this may make sense if you are earning under $25,000 per year, it makes no sense at all once you are beyond this point. The earlier you can get the power of compound returns working for you, the better.